Name of the original practice to be transferred

Mindfulness Exercises

Specific context where the practice has already been implemented/ applied

Austria – in different kind of schools.

Conditions of the original practice

In this overcrowded, overstimulated and overly complex world, we all need to find new ways to be mindful and take care of ourselves, our fellow human beings and our environment. Mindfulness exercises teach us to observe without judging. They can also help us understand how we construct our own (view of the) world in our mind and our thoughts. After all, opinions and trends – both positive and negative ones – can have an effect on us only if we pay attention to them. By consciously deciding to whom and what we pay attention, we become independent and “self-efficacious”, meaning that even though we are connected to other individuals, we do not depend on them. By practising mindfulness we also learn to understand, accept and deal with our own weaknesses and to set individual goals for ourselves in a self-confident manner instead of simply pursuing the latest trends.

Those who practise mindfulness are able to regard crises as stimuli for new opportunities because mindfulness teaches us to view problems as potential solutions. It also makes us aware of how we all benefit from empathy. In light of current global challenges that call for many changes, the promotion of positive character traits is an interesting field of research. Scientific studies have shown mindfulness exercises to improve social behaviour and enhance aggression prevention at (“problem”) schools. Just as physical exercises improve our health and strengthen our muscles, mindfulness exercises can train our mind and strengthen our character.  Yes, mindfulness can be practised!

Structures of the original practice

Mindfulness exercises are including:

  • Seeing-exercises
  • Hearing-exercises
  • Smelling-exercises
  • Tasting exercises
  • Touching/feeling-exercises
  • Body awareness-exercises
  • Emotions and relationships-exercises
  • Reflection-exercises

Suggestions on how these will transfer to the new context

The exercise have to be translated into the national language and the implementation includes learning offers (teacher training etc.).

If available, give us a link where we can find additional information on this practice in English